måndag 31 augusti 2009
Wikipedia kan nu bli mer trovärdig
torsdag 27 augusti 2009
Spotify för iPhone
Facebook & quizzarna
Dessa till synes oförargliga tidstjuvar kan få farliga konsekvenser för ens privatliv om illvilliga applikationsutvecklare önskar tillgång till Facebook's guldgruva av personuppgifter. Huruvida detta stämmer helt och hållet ska jag låta vara osagt men Facebook har å andra sidan inte förnekat det hela och det är en sak om jag själv synliggör mina personliga uppgifter i olika frågesporter...vad värre är att jag som själv inte tar några sådana (förutom ACLU som jag testade i samband med detta inlägg) så förstår jag att min profil finns lagrade hos alltför många olika företag som kan nyttja den informationen precis som den vill. Har vi tappat kontrollen? För länge sedan!!!
Uppdaterat klockan 21:50. Facebook ser över integriteten för Quizzarna, läs meri Facebooks pressmeddelande här. Improving User Privacy on Platform
torsdag 13 augusti 2009
Internet-laglöst land
tisdag 11 augusti 2009
Om ett träd faller i skogen...och ingen finns i närheten som kan höra det...låter det då?
måndag 10 augusti 2009
Vet du hur lycklig du är?
Purpose of the research: To understand what factors affect people’s happiness in their daily lives.
What you will do in this research: You will first provide demographic information and complete survey questions about personality, recent life events, and physical health, and then begin recording your happiness on your iPhone throughout the day. Each day you will receive several notifications, at which time you will visit a webpage on your iPhone where you will report what you were doing, what situation you were in, and how you felt. You will decide when and how often you want to be notified. After 50 successful responses you will receive a report summarizing your responses and showing how your happiness varies.
Time required: It will take approximately 10 minutes to answer preliminary questions, and then approximately 60 seconds to provide each report on your iPhone, which you’ll do several times a day. You may continue to participate in this research as long as you desire.
Confidentiality: Your participation in this research will remain confidential, and the only identifying information collected will be your email address, and if you choose to use SMS notifications, your iPhone telephone number. IP addresses are routinely recorded but will also remain completely confidential. Your contact information will never be shared with anyone. All data exchanged with this site is protected by SSL encryption.
Participation and withdrawal: Your participation in this study is completely voluntary, and you may withdraw at any time without penalty. To delete your account, click on the Account link in the upper right area of the screen, and then select “Delete Account”